Interactive web-mapping apps

Sydney Weeds App

Sydney WeedAPP is an Web Mapping Application developed by Greater Sydney Local Land Services to assist Local Control Authorities that are administering the NSW Biosecurity Act 2015 in the Greater Sydney region.
It aims to provide an user friendly tool to the participating Local Control Authorities to record weed incursion information in compliance with NSW Weeds Metadata Statements (DPI 2016) and reporting the information to the NSW Biosecurity Information System (BIS).

Click here to access the Sydney Weeds App

Connected Biodiversity Corridors mapping

This web-based interactive habitat corridor map produced for the Southern Sydney Regional Organisation of Council (SSROC) and Sydney Coastal Councils Groups' (SCCG) Connected Corridors for Biodiversity project, with funding from the Australian Government through the Sydney Coastal Councils Group’s Salty Communities program.

The map has been produced as a tool that Councils can use to prioritise on-ground works and other programs to improve habitat connectivity across the project area.

Click here to to access the interactive web mapping application

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