Partnerships and funding

We work with a diverse range of partners to achieve our vision of resilient communities in productive and healthy landscapes.

National Landcare Program

Local Land Services is part of the network of regional organisations to help deliver the National Landcare Program.

The National Landcare Program is a nationwide effort to address problems such as:

  • loss of vegetation
  • soil degradation
  • introduced pest weeds and animals
  • changes in water quality and flows and
  • changes in fire regimes.

Landcare NSW

Local Land Services works in partnership with Landcare NSW to deliver programs and actions to support Landcare volunteers. The two organisations refreshed and resigned a Memorandum of Understanding in December 2020 that continues to strengthen the partnership for the benefit of communities and landscapes across NSW.

Read more about our partnership with Landcare.

Catchment Action NSW

Catchment Action NSW is a NSW State Government natural resource management initiative. The Catchment Action NSW is a program funded by the NSW Government to deliver its natural resource management priorities. For Local Land Services, the responsibility lies in investing this funding to deliver on-ground outcomes for communities and the environment across NSW.

The funding invested by this initiative supports our work to improve and maintain a healthy landscape for the future of the NSW environment, landowners and farmers.

Read more about what we are delivering through Catchment Action NSW.

Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development

We work in partnership with the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) to deliver locally-relevant research to farmers and landholders.

Our officers work with DPIRD Industry Development Officers across NSW, including experts in agronomy, livestock, horticulture, irrigation, soils and climate, to ensure the latest industry knowledge and practices are delivered to customers.

Local government

Local Land Services works in partnership with local councils to ensure best practice management of natural resources, including weed management and pest control in areas regarding council laws.

We provide guidelines, training and incentive programs and assists councils with weed and pest management plans for landowners across NSW.

Our funding sources

The services we provide are funded in a variety of ways.

The NSW Government provides funding through a Treasury grant to fund our core functions and through the Catchment Action NSW program.

Catchment Action NSW funding was $11.56 million in 2019-20 and supports regionally-delivered projects to address state natural resource management priorities, including support for biodiversity, native vegetation, threatened species and Aboriginal cultural heritage outcomes.

The Australian Government is an important funding partner, primarily through the National Landcare Program.

The program helps drive sustainable agriculture, as well as supporting the protection, conservation and rehabilitation of Australia’s natural environment.

In 2019-20 Local Land Services and Landcare NSW partnered to deliver the National Landcare Program. Supporting Landcare priorities, $22.4 million has been provided. Ratepayers also contribute significantly to funding our biosecurity, livestock health and welfare services. Market access and healthy and productive industries rely on these services.

Local Land Services is currently delivering $209 million to assist bushfire affected landholders to rebuild fences with the "Supporting our neighbours" fencing program.

Our state $11.04 million Weeds Action Program ensures Local Land Services, with the assistance of Local Government, can reduce the impact of weeds on the environment.

In 2018-19, as part of the NSW Government drought relief measures, Local Land Services rates were waived. To enable Local Land Services to continue to deliver biosecurity and emergency management services, the NSW Government provided $47.7 million in additional funding to compensate for the loss of rates normally contributed by ratepayers.

Private industry partnerships and investments also contribute to our work. Regions also have locally specific funding, such as the Hunter Catchment Contribution in the Hunter region.