Biosecurity alerts

Avian influenza

Current as of July 2024

Avian influenza has been detected at two commercial poultry farms in the Greater Sydney Basin; an egg layer farm and a chicken meat farm.

The impacted properties are under quarantine, and NSW DPIRD Agriculture and Biosecurity is working closely with the impacted properties to manage the outbreak.

If you see unusual signs of disease or suspect an exotic disease in your poultry, immediately call your veterinarian, an LLS District Vet or call the Emergency Animal Disease Hotline on 1800 675 888.

For more information, including a current map of the NSW emergency zones, visit the DPIRD avian influenza page on their website.

Fall armyworm

Fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) is an insect pest that was first detected in NSW in 2020. It has since been detected in all key summer cropping regions of NSW, including the North Coast, Northern Tablelands, North West, Hunter, South East, Central West, Riverina and Murray Local Land Services regions.

Read more about Fall Armyworm

Pasture dieback

Pasture dieback is a condition that kills sown and native summer growing pastures. It starts as small patches and can spread to affect large areas. Pasture dieback was first identified in Central Queensland, the first case of pasture dieback was confirmed in NSW on the North Coast.

Read more about Pasture dieback

Serpentine Leafminer

The NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (NSW DPIRD) and Local Land Services are responding to a confirmed report of exotic serpentine leafminer (Liriomyza huidobrensis). The infestation was reported to the Exotic Plant Pest Hotline from a market garden in western Sydney on 22 October 2020.

Read more about Serpentine Leafminer

Exotic animal disease - foot and mouth disease and lumpy skin disease

All landholders need to play an active role in monitoring and reporting any suspect cases of foot and mouth disease and lumpy skin disease.

Find out more about these diseases and what you should be doing now.