Marine Estate Management Strategy 

The Marine Estate Management Strategy (MEMS) is a NSW Government initiative to protect the states coast and estuaries and support stronger coastal communities and industries. Commencing in 2018, the NSW Government committed over $180 million in new funding to the MEMS in 2022 which will see projects funded until 2028.

We are one of several NSW Government departments/agencies that is delivering MEMS projects to protect and enhance our waterways, coastline and estuaries through capacity-building activities and a range of on-ground works including wetland restoration, riparian fencing and replanting, dirt/unsealed road remediation and riverbank protection that will provide natural water quality improvements.

What activities are supported by the Marine Estate Management Strategy?

MEMS projects include:

  • focused efforts to rehabilitate and restore vegetation along waterways, contributing to improved habitat and water quality
  • implementing measures to prevent erosion and enhance the stability of riverbanks and coastal areas
  • constructing bioreactors to minimise the impact of sediment and nutrient runoff from agricultural activities, improving water quality
  • initiatives to restore and protect coral reefs, promoting biodiversity and the resilience of marine ecosystems
  • identifying and rehabilitating roads and tracks that contribute sediment into coastal lakes, wetlands, and estuaries.

The on-ground projects help to:

  • implement measures that directly enhance the quality of marine and coastal waters
  • rehabilitate ecosystems, fostering biodiversity and ecological balance
  • create jobs through the execution of on-ground projects, benefiting local communities
  • strengthen the sustainability of marine industries by promoting a healthier marine environment
  • engage with and collaborate with Aboriginal communities with a rich history of coastal resource management, respecting and incorporating their traditional knowledge.

What are the benefits of the Marine Estate Management Strategy to landholders and the environment?

Projects undertaken through the MEMS offers many benefits to the local environment including:

  • limit diffuse pollutants entering the riparian zone from surface run-off
  • over time, provide increased instream carbon loads to promote natural denitrification processes
  • create habitat for native biota, including threatened entities (species and ecosystems)
  • prevent smothering of aquatic habitats like seagrass from excessive sediment intrusion
  • increase capacity of landholders’ natural resource management.

This provides a range of benefits to the landholder including:

  • reduced erosion by slowing flow
  • vegetation stabilizes banks and limits land lost in flood events
  • improved water quality
  • increase water efficiency
  • increased biodiversity of flora and fauna
  • creates functional wildlife corridors
  • improved amenity and visual appeal
  • improved cattle health and horticultural or primary production
  • reduced weed load on the property.

Find out more

To find out if funding for riparian revegetation, improving roads and tracks, riverbank stabilisation or clean coastal catchments is available in your area, please contact your regional contact or email

North Coast
Shaun Morris, Senior Land Services Officer, 0467 796 442 or

Michael Barberie, Senior Land Services Officer, 0460 310 506 or 

South East
Leanna Moerkerken, Senior Land Services Officer, 0427 291 798 or

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