Feral Pig Program 2023-2024

Local Land Services (LLS) is currently delivering the 2023-2024 $13 million Feral Pig Program on behalf of the NSW Government in response to widespread growth in the number of feral pigs across NSW.

This program aims to reduce feral pig populations and their impact across the state through increased coordinated support and broadscale control programs, using the latest technologies.

Hear direct from landholders who have received our support and are having success with their feral pig control methods.

The Feral Pig Program will be delivered from October 2023 to June 2024. This program builds on the feral pig control activities that LLS coordinated with landholders across the state in 2022-2023.

Key outcomes as at 18 October 2023 to 30 June 2024.

Three beige boxes with statistics and icons representing outcomes from the Feral Pig Program. 7,375 properties participating, 112,888 feral pigs controlled and 14.87 million hectares protected.

Funding announced for 2024-2025

On 14 June the NSW Government announced $13.1 million to build on the success of the Feral Pig Program, which has controlled more than 100,000 pigs since it began eight months ago.

This funding will ensure there is a concerted and ongoing campaign over the next year to reduce pest populations, benefit farmers and landholders, minimise biosecurity risks to livestock, and lower the risk of environmental and ecological damage.

The program will keep providing farmers and landholders with the tools, education and support to ensure the impacts of feral pigs are reduced across the state.

Key activities of the 2023-2024 Feral Pig Program include:

  • the establishment of 3 priority landscape scale control zones to reduce numbers and impacts in feral pig hotspots across North West, Central West, Riverina and Western NSW
  • boosting regional control programs targeting feral pigs in other key locations across the state to further support existing landholder driven programs
  • capacity-building workshops and training to equip landholders with the latest tools and advice to continue actively managing pest animals on their property
  • the Feral Fighters initiative to support landholder coordinated feral pig control, which includes free Vertebrate Pesticide Induction Training (VPIT) and fully subsidised 1080 poison for eligible landholders
  • monitoring initiatives to capture feral pig impacts and population density estimations
  • appointing NSW’s first dedicated Feral Pig Coordinator to lead and coordinate the program.

Progress update: July 2024

Achievements to date: October 2023 to June 2024

Figures are current as at 30 June 2024 and only relate to activities funded by the 2023-2024 Feral Pig Program.

Highlights of the work completed so far include:

  • Engagement
    • 10,325 consultations with land managers for feral pig management
    • 96 awareness events across the state with 1,746 participants
    • 335 landholders surveyed as part of impacts monitoring
  • Feral Fighters
    • 223 participants at 21 free Vertebrate Pesticide Induction Training (VPIT) courses held in person
    • 199,886 kg free bait issued
    • 231,870 kg free feed grain provided to 1,392 landholders, protecting 4,193,471 hectares through the Feral Fighters initiative
  • Ground control
    • 13,546 feral pigs culled through coordinated trapping programs
    • 1,326 properties participating
    • 1,679,270 hectares protected through ground control
  • Aerial control
    • 99,342 feral pigs controlled during 49 FAAST aerial control programs
    • 4,657 properties participating
    • 8,994,776 hectares protected through aerial control.

A map of New South Wales with various shades of blue indicating feral pig population distribution and orange dots spread across indicating aerial control activities from 2022 - 2024.

LLS coordinated aerial feral pig control activities 2022-24 and Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development feral pig density and distribution 2023.

These statistics for October 2023 to June 2024 relate to activities funded by the 2023-2024 Feral Pig Program. LLS has further feral pig management activities underway that are not reported as part of this funding which have removed an additional 20,755 feral pigs.

Read the complete July 2024 progress update PDF, 2624.27 KB.

Download the previous progress updates:

Find out more about managing feral pigs on your property.

How will the program support landholders?

The Feral Pig Program will support landholders in reducing feral pig populations and the impacts on their property, with LLS:

  • boosting regional control programs through 46 planned aerial shooting campaigns across the state plus additional ground control programs
  • delivering 99 capacity building events to equip landholders with the latest tools and advice to continue actively managing pest animals on their property
  • providing free VPIT courses online and face-to-face at a number of locations around the state
  • fully subsidising the cost of 1080 poison to eligible landholders (conditions apply) to help control feral pigs.

Landholders will also have the opportunity to learn about new technologies being used in pest animal control, gain accreditation to use restricted chemical products and gain a broader understanding of the feral pig problem.

The Feral Pig Program’s landscape scale aerial shooting and ground control activities target areas where there are known high populations of feral pigs, significant impacts are being reported and landholders are actively involved in coordinated pest animal management.

Coordinated, integrated control programs will be undertaken across both private and public land, with biosecurity officers and landholders working side by side.

What is a landscape control zone?

Landscape control zones are large scale targeted feral pig control areas across the state with known high feral pig populations, reported impacts on agricultural and environmental assets and areas where there are existing landholder control efforts.

A successful example of a landscape control zone is the Western Riverina Pest Project (WRPP) located across the Riverina and Western LLS regions. Over 3 years, more than 43,000 pigs were removed from the 1.4 million hectare WRPP project area, reducing population density from a peak of 11.2 pigs per square kilometre down to 0.88.

Where are the three landscape control zones?

The 3 priority landscape control zones include the following areas:

  • at the intersecting boundaries of Riverina, Western and Central West LLS regions adjacent to the Lachlan River
  • east of Gilgandra and the Newell Highway, north of Dunedoo, west of Coolah, south of Coonabarabran within the Central West LLS boundary
  • Lower Gwydir River sub-catchment west of Moree, east of Collarenebri within the North West LLS region.

What will the NSW Feral Pig Coordinator do?

A key part of this role will be engaging with both private and public land managers and developing strategies to improve participation in feral pig control programs.

This means working closely with public land managers, government agencies and landholder groups, ensuring as many people as possible are participating in coordinated control programs and playing their part in tackling feral pigs.

The Coordinator will collaborate with LLS regional staff and government stakeholders, including National Parks and Wildlife Services, Forestry Corporation and NSW Department of Primary Industries to design and implement best practice integrated feral pig control programs across tenures, including monitoring systems to measure impacts.

The Coordinator will also be responsible for coordinating effective program reporting to demonstrate the success and impact of control programs across the state and make sure the project is delivered within budget.

How do I get involved in the Feral Pig Control program?

The more landholders taking part in control programs, the more successful they will be at reducing feral pig numbers and protecting farming operations.

To get involved in the Feral Pig Program or find out what activities are happening in your area contact LLS by calling 1300 795 299 and asking to speak with your local biosecurity officer.

How do I find out more?

To learn more about pest animal management and the support offered by LLS call 1300 795 299 and request to speak with your local biosecurity officer.


Feral Pig Program 2023-2024

Events happening across the regions

Upcoming events with advice from local biosecurity officers on feral pig management for your property. Check back regularly to see what is coming up in your region.

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