Greenspots conservation project

We are partnering with landholders to undertake conservation works to create ‘greenspots’ that will provide threatened species with refuges to better withstand dry times. This important project will see our skilled rangeland rehabilitation practitioners design and layout works to create greenspots, which are essentially areas that remain moister for longer during dry times.

The project will involve six landholders from the White Cliffs, Packsaddle, Milparinka and Wanaaring areas.

What are greenspots and why are they important?

Greenspots are important to the environment as they are the locations that threatened species retreat to during dry times, which are more frequent in Western NSW due to its ‘boom and bust’ seasons. Severe erosion and sedimentation in the arid landscapes of NSW in the last circa 200 years has impacted greenspots, reducing their size and extent.

Which threatened species will the greenspots protect?

Some of the threatened species that will benefit from this project include:

  • the Long-haired Rat (Rattus villosissimius)
  • the Stripe-faced Dunnart (Sminthopsis macroura)
  • the Forrest’s Mouse (Leggadina forresti)
  • the Sandy Inland Mouse (Pseudomys hermannsburgensis)
  • the Bolam’s Mouse (Pseudomys bolami)
  • the Dusky Hopping-Mouse (Notomys fuscus)

Information sharing will continue with the NSW Department of Planning and Environment as there is anticipated to be ongoing research into the benefits this project will bring.

Further information

This project is funded through the NSW Environmental Trust. To find out more, call us on 1300 795 299 or email

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