
In NSW, pastures can be broken down into:

  • native grasslands
  • modified native pastures including part of woodlands
  • highly productive native pastures
  • highly productive improved pastures.

The productivity of pastures can vary depending on things such as seasons, a variety of species, changes in climate, soil conditions and grazing management.

Knowing features of your pasture, particularly those that can be modified and those that can't, such as soil acidity, topography and soil depth, is important for long term productivity and sustainability.

Good pasture management is about monitoring any changes that occur and considering other options.

How Local Land Services can support your pasture enterprise

Local Land Services can help farmers and their communities with support services, pasture advice and industry training to increase productivity and profitability.

Our staff work closely with organisations like the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) and other technical specialists to support pasture management best practice.

Pasture training opportunities

Our staff are on the ground to deliver workshops, field days and conferences to help landholders manage their pastures. The also support educational programs such as the Tocal Skills Training range of short courses. These include:

  • introduction to pastures
  • lucerne management online
  • top fodder silage.

Look up Local Land Services events happening in your area.

They also coordinate local producer groups on timely and locally relevant topics such as:

  • maintaining good groundcover
  • litter and soil characteristics
  • diversity of species
  • ability to handle pests and diseases
  • changes in environmental conditions (such as drought, fire or flood)
  • good water efficiency.

Pasture industry collaborators and resources

Our staff also work closely with a range of government departments and organisations, including:

The Grassland Society of NSW Inc

The Grassland Society of NSW delivers science-based information on pastures and grazing through newsletters, conferences and events.

Australian Society of Agronomy

The Australian Society of Agronomy is the professional body for agronomists in Australia and New Zealand.

Pastures Australia

Pastures Australia is a pasture selection tool for selecting suitable pastures species for your local conditions.

Need more help with pasture management?

For pasture advice or for more information about training or other resources, contact Local Land Services on 1300 795 299 or look up your local office.

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