
Horticulture is a significant sector of the NSW economy, with farm gate value is reaching for $2 billion per year.

Horticultural industries in NSW provide consumers with a variety of products, including fresh fruit and vegetables, wine, nuts, oils, flowers, turf and retail nursery products.

Horticulture is a large employer in regional towns both through direct employment, the processing sector and regional food and wine tourism.

External factors that have a big impact on productivity and are a priority for the horticultural industry include:

  • access to water
  • biosecurity preparedness and response
  • environmental sustainability
  • supporting traceability systems that allow a supply of fresh and safe products to market.

How we work with the horticultural industry

Our staff are on the ground to support practice adaption to improve productivity and competitiveness of horticultural and viticultural producers. Examples include:

  • services and training in areas such as best farm management practices
  • good biosecurity
  • environmental monitoring
  • pest and disease management
  • sustainably managing natural resources such as soil, water and on-farm biodiversity.

We also engage in surveillance and monitoring of pest and disease incursions, responding to the needs of growers to meet market demands and threats to productivity.

We work with communities to increase their preparedness and resilience to challenges to growers from changes in the climate and production conditions.

Horticultural industry partners and resources

Our staff are on the ground to work closely with a range of government departments and organisations.

Horticulture Innovation Australia Limited (Hort Innovation)

Hort Innovation is a not-for-profit, grower-owned research, development and marketing company for Australia’s horticulture Industry.

Need more help?

For horticulture advice or for more information about training or other resources, contact your Local Land Services on 1300 795 299.

Look up your closest Local Land Services office.

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