Warnings and alerts

The current status of NSW emergencies impacting on agriculture and animals is available on the NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (NSW DPIRD) website.

Under the NSW State Emergency Management Plan, DPIRD is the appointed combat agency for biosecurity (animal and plant) emergencies and also a support agency in the agriculture and animal services functional area in natural disasters and other emergencies.

Local Land Service staff are on the ground to support NSW DPIRD in this work.

Other warnings and contact details

For a summary of relevant weather warning alerts currently issued for NSW, visit the Bureau of Meteorology website.

If you have an animal, plant or agricultural emergency to report, please get in touch with the following authorities:

Call 000 - Life-threatening emergencies, including bush fires

NSW State Emergency Service (SES) - For emergency help in floods and storms call 132 500

Emergency animal diseases - Hotline - 1800 675 888 (24 hours)

Emergency plant pest reporting - Hotline - 1800 084 881

Aquatic pests and diseases - Hotline - (02) 4916 3877 (recorded 24-hour hotline)

Local Land Services - To report locusts and agricultural damage in natural disasters call 1300 795 299

You can also call us for advice and assistance on 1300 795 299 during business hours from Monday to Friday.

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