Plant disease control

Plant pests are organisms which can affect the health of plants. These include insects, mites, roundworms and snails and germs such as fungi, viruses and bacteria.

It’s important to look after our farms, landscapes and natural environment and protect them from plant diseases and pests. In order to do this, NSW has a range of biosecurity measures including:

  • detecting and reporting new pests early through surveillance as well as increased general awareness of what is 'normal' and what is 'suspect'
  • protecting domestic and export markets and effective management of established plant pests.

If you see unusual symptoms on plants or if you suspect an exotic plant pest, it’s important to act quickly.

How do I report a plant pest or disease?

If you know or suspect of a plant pest or disease, call the exotic plant pest hotline on 1800 084 881 or use the online notification form.

For further information or advice, contact your local Biosecurity Officer.

Some plant pests and diseases are legislated as notifiable in NSW under the Biosecurity Act 2015, and must be reported immediately. For more information, visit the NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development website.

The role of Local Land Services in Plant Disease Control

Local Land Services officers work closely with the NSW DPIRD Plant Biosecurity & Plant Systems unit to ensure a consistent, coordinated and strategic approach to plant biosecurity across the state of NSW.

Activities include:

  • Maintaining regular and timely communication of priority pest status and incursion preparedness.
  • Training in plant pest ID, sample submission protocols, monitoring and reporting- both internal & industry.
  • Plant surveillance activities - both exotic and industry identified priority plant pests.
  • Emergency response training.

Find out more about plant pests and disease control

For updates on current pest and disease issues Australia, visit the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development website.

For information regarding biosecurity in Australia, visit the Plant Health Australia website.

If you’re looking for ideas on how to protect your property or farm from plant biosecurity threats, read Primefact 1314 on the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development website.

For further information on what you can be doing to help protect NSW from exotic plant pests, read Primefact 1315 on the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development website.

Contact Local Land Services

To find out about plant diseases, contact Local Land Services on 1300 795 299 or look up your local office.

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