Community Advisory Groups

North Coast Regional Pest Animal Committee

One of the key actions from the NSW Government's response to the Natural Resource Commission's review of pest animal management was the implementation of 11 regional pest animal committees and 11 regional pest animal management plans.

The North Coast Regional Pest Animal Committee is tasked with encouraging cross tenure pest animal management, developing local pest animal management plans, consulting with stakeholders and advising the State Pest Animal Committee.

The committee has xx members selected by relevance of their sector to pest animal management and is supported by working groups on specific issues.

A regional approach to pest animal management will ensure that pest animal management tools, actions, and investments meets the needs and impacts experienced in each region.

The North Coast Regional Strategic Pest Animal Management Plan was approved on 1 July 2018. The committee would like to thank the stakeholders and community members who participated in the development of the plan and took the time to make a submission during the public exhibition. The attached summary report outlines the outcomes of the consultation on the plan.

To read the North Coast Regional Strategic Pest Animal Management Plan and see how you can participate in priority Pest Animal Management in the North Coast Region.

North Coast Regional Weed Committee

The purpose of the North Coast Regional Weed Committee (RWC) is to provide ‘tenure neutral’ strategic planning and coordination of weed management activities at the regional level. These activities play an integral part in an overall state weed management framework.

The committee was established to:

  • support implementation of the weeds components and underlining principles of the NSW Biosecurity Strategy, NSW Biosecurity Act and the NSW Invasive Species Plan 2015-2022
  • provide advice to the Board regarding delivery weed functions for the Local Land Services consistent with the Local Strategic Plan
  • to develop innovative and effective regional weed management strategic plans that consider risks, include all land tenure, and major stakeholders in the landscape
  • provide a forum for the community and stakeholders in decision making and develop communication education and awareness programs based on local and/or regional priority weeds and issues.

To read the North Coast Regional Weed Management Plan and see how you can participate in priority weed management in the North Coast Region. Please download the plan here.

North Coast LLS Agriculture Advisory Group

The North Coast LLS Agriculture Advisory Group provides a forum  for primary industry leaders  to discuss collective needs, identify opportunities for collaboration, and develop  identify risks within the agriculture sector of the North Coast.

The Group play an important role in  providing advice to the North Coast LLS Board. The Group has members across the wide range of industries that are present on the North Coast.

The AAG objectives are:

  • Providing a forum for industry updates and information sharing, discussion of collective needs, identification of opportunities for collaboration, and co-design of best practice solutions to regional threats and opportunities
  • Providing advice and guidance to the North Coast LLS Board on how LLS initiatives can best support industry and community needs
  • Providing advice on the approaches and priorities for North Coast best practice extension
  • Staying abreast of new, emerging and existing threats, changing needs and opportunities that influence agriculture on the North Coast and suggesting options for addressing those threats, opportunities and needs
  • Providing LLS and industry with opportunities to support each other’s agricultural extension needs
  • Providing guidance to natural disaster emergency management response and recovery efforts
  • Supporting implementation of the North Coast LLS Agriculture Plan.

Group membership:

Agriculture industry sectors include Apiary, Bananas, Beef, Berries, Dairy, Fodder (hay/silage), Pecans, Pork, Rice, Sugar Cane and Soybeans.

A range of government agencies including Rural Financial Counselling Services Northern Region, NSW Department of Primary Industries, Local Government and NSW Health also attend the meetings to keep industries informed of available support.

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