Community Advisory Groups

Local Community Advisory Groups provide strategic advice to our local Boards around matters relating to our customers and stakeholders.

Local Community Advisory Groups ensure we meet our community's needs and are a legislative requirement under the Local Land Services Act 2013.

Murray Local Land Services has three community advisory groups operating in the Murray region:

  • Murray Local Community Advisory Group (Murray LCAG)
  • Murray Aboriginal Community Advisory Group (Murray ACAG)
  • Murray Regional Weed Committee (MRWC).

Our community advisory groups are all established as formal sub-committees of the Murray Local Land Services (MLLS) Board. Members are expected to work in the interest of the whole community rather than specific organisations or other individual interests. Please see below for further information on our community advisory groups.

Murray Local Community Advisory Group

The Murray LCAG is comprised of 10 community members who have widespread experience and expertise in agricultural practice change, natural resources management, local government and rural social issues at both the local and regional scale.

Our LCAG and ACAG meet jointly on a biannual basis to discuss NRM, sustainable agriculture, land management and community issues in the Murray region. These meetings aim to provide the Board with recommendations on how MLLS can effectively engage with the community through its activities and programs and ensure that the community’s needs are met by MLLS.

Further Information

View the Murray Local Community Advisory Group's Terms of Reference

P: 1300 795 299

Murray Aboriginal Community Advisory Group

The Murray ACAG helps guide the way MLLS collaborates with and supports Aboriginal communities across all areas of our business. Murray ACAG provides a platform for our Aboriginal communities to have a real say on the development of appropriate MLLS processes and structure.  Our ACAG guides regional implementation of the LLS Reconciliation Action Plan.

Guiding principles of the Murray ACAG include the recognition of Traditional Owner groups and the importance of their role in cultural heritage, cultural economy, cultural knowledge and connection to Country.

Murray ACAG members have a diversity of knowledge and experience relevant to MLLS business and Aboriginal community matters.  We have representatives from our six key Local Aboriginal Land Councils plus up to three community members with broad expertise.

Our ACAG and LCAG meet jointly on a bi-annual basis to discuss NRM, sustainable agriculture, land management and community issues in the Murray region. These meetings aim to provide the Board with recommendations on how MLLS can effectively engage with the community through its activities and programs and ensure that the community’s needs are met by MLLS.

Further Information

View the Murray Aboriginal Technical Group's Terms of Reference

P: 1300 795 299

Murray Regional Weed Committee (RWC)

The Murray Regional Weed Committee (RWC) is established as a Community Advisory Group under the Local Land Services Act 2013 (the Act). This committee (in conjunction with the Riverina RWC) replaces the Eastern Riverina Noxious Weeds Advisory Group & Western Riverina Noxious Weeds Advisory Group (ERNWAG & WRNWAG). The committee meet quarterly.

Purpose of the Murray RWC

To provide ‘tenure neutral’ strategic planning and coordination of weed management activities at the regional level. These activities play an integral part in an overall state weed management framework.

The RWC is established to:

  • support implementation of the weeds components and underlining principles of the NSW Biosecurity Strategy, Noxious Weeds Act 1993, NSW Biosecurity Act and the NSW Invasive Species Plan 2015-2022;
  • provide advice to the Board regarding delivery of weed functions for the Local Land Services (LLS) consistent with the Local Strategic Plan;
  • to develop innovative and effective regional weed management strategic plans that consider risks, include all land tenure, and major stakeholders in the landscape;
  • provide a forum for the community and stakeholders in decision making, and develop a communication, education, training and awareness program based on local and/or regional priority weeds and issues.
  • prioritise target weed species and recommend weed policy, declaration, control and promotion to member organisations.
  • promote effective and efficient collaboration and co-ordination of weed programs, and promote resources and information sharing between member organisations.
  • Liaise, were necessary, with other RWC to develop and deliver weed management plans.

Regional Weeds Committee Chair 

Chair - Rodney Anderson (Federation Council) - 0428 234 076 -

More information

If you have any questions about the Regional Weeds Committee, please contact Michael Tweedie on 0448 390 288 or via email