Identifying native frogs: distinguishing friends from foes

Sydney’s threatened native frogs are set for a helping hand with Local Land Services (LLS) launching a campaign to educate communities about their conservation needs and how to tell them apart from the problematic cane toad.

LLS Team Leader Invasive Species Anthony Schofield said many people were unaware greater Sydney had 40 species of native frogs, 9 of which are threatened, and some which can be mistaken for invasive toads.

"We want to ensure that our communities can confidently identify and appreciate our native frog species, particularly the 9 threatened types," Mr Schofield said.

“There have been several confirmed cane toads found in the region over recent months.

"We want to help people understand the differences so we can all actively contribute to the preservation of our local frog populations.

“To help with this we have put together the Frogs of the Greater Sydney Region guide that will help people identify the different frogs found across this region."

Cane toads, introduced to Australia in the 1930s to try to control beetle populations, have since become a significant threat to native wildlife.

Recognising the importance of preventing harm to native frogs, the Frogs of the Greater Sydney Region guide provides information to differentiate between frogs and cane toads, empowering people to make informed decisions in their encounters with these creatures.

“This guide highlights key visual characteristics that set native frogs apart from the cane toad, such as variations in size, skin texture, colour patterns, and distinctive markings,” he said.

“Frogs play an integral role in maintaining the delicate balance of our ecosystems, controlling insect populations, and serving as indicators of environmental health.

“We want to ensure we are doing what we can to protect populations so they are around for future generations.

“Mistaking native frogs for cane toads can lead to unintended consequences, which is why this guide is dedicated to promoting responsible coexistence and conservation efforts.”

People can familiarise themselves with the valuable information presented in the guide to foster a deeper appreciation for native frogs and enhance their protection within the Greater Sydney region.

To access the guide and become an informed ambassador for native frog conservation, please visit our threatened species webpage or contact Greater Sydney Local Land Services at (02) 4724 2100 to obtain a hardcopy.

Media Contact

For more information, please contact Chris Finley on or 0477 193 761

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