Property search FAQs

Do you need help with property searches? Read the frequently asked questions below, call 02 6363 9233 or email

Q: What are property search requests?

Property information can be requested from Local Land Services about rates, animal health, chemical residues (adverse affections) and orders that apply to a property. These requests are often associated with purchasing a property.

Q: Who can request property-related information?

Solicitors, conveyancers, brokers, agents, and the general public can request property-related information from Local Land Services.

Q: What type of information can be requested?

You can request information regarding rates, any animal health or chemical residue issues (adverse affections) as well as orders.


Local Land Services can provide information on Annual Rates that are currently outstanding on a landholding.

Animal health and chemical residues

Local Land Services can provide information about animal health or chemical residues associated with the property (adverse affections), as listed in Part 3 of Schedule 3 to the Conveyancing (Sale of Land) Regulation 2017 and Biosecurity Act 2015.


Local Land Services can provide any orders that have been issued relating to the land. This covers orders that have been issued by Local Land Services or the previous Livestock Health and Pest Authorities and Catchment Management Authorities.

Please note that many of the orders issued by Local Land Services, and the previous Livestock Health and Pest Authorities or Catchment Management Authorities apply to a district or the whole state. Information about them may be publicly available online, therefore an order request may not be needed.

Check with your Local Land Services office.

Q: What kinds of properties does this information relate to?

Information about rates, animal health and chemical residues, and orders are relevant to freehold land title properties only. This information isn’t relevant to properties on strata or community titles (for example, apartments).

Q: Where does the information come from?

Information about Local Land Services rates, animal health, chemical residues and orders is held by Local Land Services information systems.

Q: How do I submit a request?

If you’d like to submit a request, download our request form and return it to via email.

This form can only be used for information requests relating to rates and animal health and chemical residues.

Requests relating to orders should be emailed to

Q: How much does a request cost?

Requests cost $60. A separate request is required for each holding.

Q: How can I pay for the request?

Property search requests can be paid over the phone, by calling (02) 6363 9233. Only Mastercard and Visa cards are accepted. Please note, there’s a surcharge fee of 0.40% applied to all payments.

Q: How is the information provided?

A certificate will be emailed or posted containing the requested information.

Q: How long will the request take to be processed?

Rates requests can take up to three business days to be processed. Animal health and chemical residues (adverse affections) requests can take up to 10 business days to be processed.

Further information

For more information please call  02 6363 9233 or email