Alert species in NSW

We need to work together to ensure early detection of alert species so they can be managed effectively.

It is important the community remain vigilant and report any unusual sightings to ensure a rapid management response.

The most cost-effective control by far is preventing incursions in the first place and dealing with them swiftly when they do occur.

Reporting alert species

Land managers and community members play a major role in reporting any unusual sightings of pest animals in the region. If you see anything unusual or suspicious, report it as soon as possible.

Report any of the alert species listed for your region to the Invasive Plants and Animals Enquiry Line:

Phone: 1800 680 244


Widespread pest animals do not need to be reported to the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD). You can report them to your local biosecurity team or record your observation on Feral Scan.

What are alert species

The DPIRD website outlines what alert species are and what non-native animals pose a biosecurity risk to the NSW economy, environment and community should they become established. The NSW Government is committed to preventing the introduction and establishment of new pest animals and ensuring existing non-native animal in the state are managed effectively. Join the hunt for the 'Most Unwanted' to protect NSW against the threat of pest animals by reporting sightings of non-native pest animals to the DPIRD here.

Alert species may vary depending on your area. These can range from specific species of turtles, snakes or ants to feral camels and deer.

You can find out more about alert species in your area in the Regional Strategic Pest Animal Management Plan for your region:

Otherwise, please contact us if you need help to identify or manage alert species.

For more information on pest species and biosecurity, visit Pestsmart and the DPIRD.

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