Paspalum Staggers - A Warning for Cattle Producers

North Coast Cattle producers are being urged to monitor stock following multiple reports of paspalum staggers in recent days.

Paspalum staggers is seen in cattle, and more rarely in sheep and horses grazing paspalum grass or water couch seed heads infested with fungus, or ergot, Claviceps, paspali.

Outbreaks usually occur in autumn when warm wet weather promotes the ergot’s growth. The ergots are initially sticky and yellow-grey in colour but become hard and black as they mature.

The affected animals have muscle tremors, head shaking, incoordination and animals can fall over when overstimulated or stressed. Deaths are uncommon and cattle generally recover when removed from the infected pasture.

However, cattle can become cast, suffer injuries or even die from misadventure, so it is important to place affected animals in safe paddocks for close observation.

There is no effective treatment and prevention is based on effective pasture management – frequent grazing or topping of paspalum pasture will reduce the development of fungus-infected seedheads.

For more information please contact your North Coast LLS district Veterinarian by calling 1300 795 299.
