Mushroom identification: focus on spores and using FunKey App

Mushrooms are the most common shape for fungi. Identification often requires knowing the spore colour, so learning how to do a spore print will help you improve your skills. Identification for different mushrooms is made easier by using multiple access keys that work on a diversity of characters. Join Sapphire McMullan-Fisher on this workshop focusing on spores to help identification.

Participants are recommended to have loaded the FunKey App (Key to Agarics) Approx $10 on their smart devices.

Participants may bring 1-3 mushrooms to the workshop: fresh mushrooms no more than 36 hours old and kept cool in containers.

Please take images of mushroom characteristics and habitat before you collect them to help with identification.

Cost: $10.00


To RSVP to this event please head to Trybooking.

10 May 2023 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm

Central Tablelands

Australian National Field Day Site - Conference room
563 Borenore Road


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