Apply for an assessment of old growth forest and rainforest

Local Land Services works with landholders wanting to conduct private native forestry to develop a Private Native Forestry Plan. This plan includes a map showing old growth forest and rainforest areas that cannot be harvested. Landholders who believe the maps are not accurate may request a review of these areas.

If you are a landholder seeking a reassessment of your land, take the following steps:

Step 1 – Discuss your concerns with the mapping with one of our team

During this discussion a Private Native Forestry Officer assist you to review the maps and provide further information on the reassessment process, including the need for supporting evidence where required.

Step 2 - Provide evidence to support your request

You should provide evidence that proves these areas have been disturbed, and may include:

  • photographs of the vegetation showing disturbance
  • harvesting records
  • other evidence of disturbance history.

Step 3 - Property assessment by Environment, Energy and Science

Once you have provided any required evidence, we will follow the protocol for the type of forest in dispute. For the protocol procedure, please see the following:

The reassessment is conducted by specialists from the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (Environment, Energy and Science) and includes:

  • An aerial photographic imaging assessment of the property using the latest available imagery
  • Field survey to assess the vegetation on the ground.

Step 4 - The assessment is finalised

Depending on the results of the assessment, we will either provide landholders with:

  • an amended map to show the revised areas of rainforest and old growth forest on the Private Native Forestry Plan, or
  • the original map, showing the old growth forest and rainforest areas mapped before the review.

Step 5 - Decide how to proceed

If you agree with the final assessment, your Private Native Forestry Plan will be issued with updated mapping and you can commence your Forest Management Planning.

If you do not agree with the assessment, you may choose to end the process and not conduct private native forestry operations on your land. If this is the case, you may wish to contact your nearest Local Land Services Office to discuss other land management options that may be available to you.

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