Western Area Paddock Restoration – the Oakville Journey and Property Visit

Following a very hot January fire in 1987 which burnt 100% of Oakville and nearly the house, Marg and Colin Bull have actively restored and regenerated over 200 hectares of land on their property north of Conargo.

This has been achieved by fencing off the remaining remnant vegetation plus numerous areas for direct plantings of local vegetation species and they have completed a connected corridors project.

Now nearly two thirds of Oakville has connecting laneways or corridors of vegetation allowing for the safe movement of animals around the property which encourages the spread of seeds and pollen and promotes further biodiversity.

Despite planting thousands of local plants over the past 34 years and being part of the erection of many km of fencing, Marg believes they have only just started their restoration journey. Sharing her knowledge and experience is part of this journey and to this end the final Hay Plains Landcare 4 Seasons of Seeds workshop organised by Murrumbidgee Landcare Co-Ordinator Jade Auldist will be held at Oakville on Friday, October 29 2021.

The results of the direct seeding and planting from the winter workshop will be observed as will the different methods of site management and weed control on the property (see link below for further details and to rsvp – you are still able to rsvp despite the date being passed).

Also included in this day will be discussions led by Ecologist and Project Manager with the Australian Network for Plant Conservation Martin Driver and a visit to another property near Oakville called “Waterloo.  Here a 40 hectare remnant vegetation site will be observed that has been destocked since 1958 and which contains over 200 documented local plant species.

For further details contact Sally Ware (0429 307 627).

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