How sustainable is your farm?

Sustainability credential frameworks often align with Sustainable Development Goals. Those relating to agricultural industries have seven key areas in common. We suggest you start by looking at how you are going in these seven areas:

Goal 3 icon - Good health and well-beingWORK HEALTH AND SAFETY (WHS)

The health and safety of those who work on your farm is very important.

  • Think about the different hazards present.
  • How risky are they?
  • Is there anything you can do to reduce the risk, or manage the risks better?

For tips on:

Goal 6 icon - Celan water and sanitationWATER MANAGEMENT

Good water quality is essential. Does your farm comply with all the regulations on drainage, storage and recycling of water?

Goal 7 icon - Affordable and clean energyCLEAN ENERGY USE

Have you thought about upgrading to modern sustainable energy sources? Are you using the most affordable, reliable and sustainable options available?

Goal 8 icon - Decent work and economic growthRECORD KEEPING

Your evidence of best practice management.  Do you keep accurate, organised records of all farm operations like:

Goal 12 icon - Responsible consumption and productionANIMAL WELFARE

Do you want consumers to know how high the standard of animal care and welfare is on your farm? Or have a specific industry framework you’d like to align with?

For more general information:

Goal 13 icon - Climate actionCLIMATE ACTION

Do you want to make sure your farm is climate resilient? Try adjusting your farming practices to suit changing conditions.

Goal 15 icon - Life on landENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT

Natural resources are an important part of any farm. Protect your natural resources by:

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