Pindari Plains

Pindari Plains is a 283-hectare property located on the Obley Road near Geurie, in the central west of NSW. Purchased by John and Sue Middenway eight years ago, it’s a small enterprise with lambs and ewes.

The property contains tracts of grassy white box woodlands (an endangered ecological community) which are being impacted by cypress pine.

John and Sue were seeking to remove extensive cypress pine from the property to stimulate natural regrowth of the groundcover and regenerate a more diverse species mix including grassy white box woodlands. This land management activity will also allow the development of the enterprise and result in a more productive working farm.

“We are farmers, we are also eco-friendly. The wildlife that’s around this place is important to us to try and keep a natural balance”.

- John Middenway, Landholder Pindari Plains

Read the full Pindari Plains case study here (PDF).

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