Beneficial insects: Pollinators, parasitiods and predators

Maintaining pollinator populations is critically important for both food production and native flora and fauna diversity. Central Tablelands Local Land Services is keen to help landholders protect and preserve our native pollinators and support our honeybee apiary industries.

Find out more:

Australian Pollinator Count - engage in this citizen science project across Australia to help researchers better understand the plight of Australia’s insect pollinators.

Powerful pollinators - ANU Sustainable Farms - encouraging insect pollinators in farm landscapes.

Impact of insecticides on beneficial insects - Cesar Australia - Building and/or conserving populations of beneficial insects is a cornerstone of integrated Pest Management. While there is a growing awareness and interest in the role of beneficial insects in the grains industry, insecticides (and miticides) can have adverse impacts on beneficial insect populations present at the time of application.

Watch our webinar series:

Pollinators: Researchers from Cesar Australia, Dr Lizzy Lowe and Dr Luis Mata present the different types of pollinators that are present in agricultural areas, how to identify them, and what we can do to encourage them.

Parasitoids: A parasitoid is an organism that lives and develops on or within another organism (the host), eventually killing it. A number of insects can be parasitoids, with most wasps or flies. Why should we care about parasitoids? They are greatly important in insect management, as biological controls for pest species.

Predators: There are many insect and spider predators in our ecosystems who are more than happy to join us in the fight against insect pests. Hear from Dr Lizzy Lowe (Cesar Australia) about a range of different predators, including spiders, ladybirds, lacewings, beetles, and hoverflies, and how we can support them in our agricultural systems.

The following publications have been produced through the Protecting Pollinators program:

Australian Native Bees (PDF 1.5MB)

4 Farming Practices to Encourage Australian Native Bees (PDF 2MB)

5 Tips to Protect Pollinators from Pesticides (PDF 1MB)

Designing Onfarm Tree Planting Programs for Pollinators (PDF 2.6MB)

Protect our Pollinators Use Pesticides Wisely (PDF 1MB)

Soil Nesting Native Bees (PDF 1.6MB)

Wood Nesting Native Bees (PDF 3.1MB)

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